Image Safari

Something happens.  While on the prowl for images with camera in tow, something happens that causes a chain reaction resulting in pushing down on the shutter button.  Something catches my eye, an object, a collection of objects, a shape, a collection of shapes, a line, a form, a color, a combination of colors, or a symbol and without thinking – snap.  I use a camera that allows me a silent mode so each capture is celebrated by a mild mechanical sound I hear only because the tool, the camera, is near my face and ears.  That impulse to push down on the shutter button is usually not connected to a conscious process but rather a feeling that the particular instant is the right time.  Sometimes (often) it is not, but the impulse triggered it.  

I try to keep thoughts at bay while I photograph as I depend more on instinct, and no doubt buried deeply within I have a set of filters in place, filters that attract me to certain things, to colors and combinations, shapes, etc.  I am not in direct contact with those filters but they are invisibly connected to the sorts of things I am drawn to in life, to certain feelings, ideas, movies, themes, beliefs.

For me it is imperative that I hunt alone.

How do you hunt?

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