
These past two weeks have been very busy and I have devoted too much of the little time I have to my Flickr account.  Silly as it is, I have a goal at Flickr regarding page views.  You probably didn’t know I am that sort of guy, and actually, I am not…well, not really.  But I do have a goal and that goal is feasible (if the bluebird of happiness drops a load on my gallery…I think that’s how it works) before I go black at Flickr.  I will keep work up there but my activity level will drop drastically.  The problem for me is that I can’t find a surrogate site.  What I liked most about Flickr was the comradery and the huge variety of people.  I have really enjoyed discovering some really excellent photographers/artists.  The other sites I have sampled just fall flat in that regard.

This past week, with the little time i had available, I visited the Heidelberg Project.  Since the fire, Tyrell has been utilizing the char-wood backdrop as a stage for new objects.  I can’t believe how many dolls he has, which has been my target.

Since I prefer not to double post images, please visit my Flickr gallery to see what I’ve been up to in that regard.  And, if you don’t mind, I’d really appreciate it if you actually click on my image and visit the page.


My Flickr Gallery.

Where Am I…Anyway?

I’ve been a busy beaver deleting pics from my Flickr gallery.  My target it to get it down to a few hundred images before I turn scarce there.  I’ve really enjoyed my stay at Flickr but especially due to the make-over, it is definitely time to spread my wings.  If you like my stuff and/or have become friends with me (in a distant sort of way…that’s the kind of person I am), please touch base here now and then to see where I’ve landed.

I am cleaning up my gallery based entirely on page views.   With the new Flickr face, a viewer need not visit the image as the larger image and the ability to add a star (favorite) from the main screen does not constitute a ‘hit.’  So if you like any of my photos, I would really appreciate a closer view.

I thought 500px was going to be my new home but after getting totally lost trying to find my way around there, I am rethinking that decision.  I’ll continue to develop Ipernity and here, of course. 

I hope to make more friends here, but first I have to resolve a privacy issue with the Gravatar folks!


Willow Don’t You Weep

Willow Don't You Weep

A photo taken in Detroit in a seriously challenged area.

I have been photographing in Detroit since 2004. You can see more of my stuff at my Flickr account. I am in the process of expanding my online options and slowly diminishing my presence at Flickr. I’ll be writing about that in the near future here at WordPress. If you want to see my other stuff, visit me at My FLickr.

Detroit Make Over

I have been photographing in Detroit since New Years Day 2004.  When I started, I had no idea what I would find in the city.  My first reaction to what I found that first day was not to go back.  It was depressing and dangerous.  I reluctantly posted a few pictures online at an art sharing website to which I belonged and immediately got feedback, mostly shock and disbelief…and encouragement to get more.  Slowly, my frequency of visits billowed to the obsession level (which is normal for me.)  I think obsession is highly underrated as an experience.

My ventures took me to the most challenged and dangerous parts of the city.  And I photographed what I found.  I always felt that my intentions could be easily misunderstood because underneath my photos is a real sense of caring for the city.  I grew up in Detroit.  I lost my virginity in Detroit and went to college in Detroit.  I don’t feel ‘at home’ in the burbs where I live. 

What I show in my photography is downright depressing.  I seem to have cycles where it overwhelms me and I need to keep my camera out of the city limits for a while.  Detroit is changing quite a bit as many of the 80,000 abandoned homes are demolished or boarded up securely.  Where entire neighborhoods stood are more rural, with some whole blocks inhabited by just a few houses.  It’s hard to envision all those houses down.

And then there is the other side of the city that I don’t photograph.  That’s what I’m writing here.  Some of the worst areas are getting a make-over.  One area in particular that I have been exploring lately is the Woodbridge community and the area south of it.  Woodbridge has been stable all along.  It is populated with older two story homes, nice homes.  The restoration began in the1970s, about the time of the white mass exodus to the suburbs.  The community is in the midtown area, just west of Wayne State University by a mile or so.  There is a lot of community pride, lots of art installations, and a general good vibe on the streets.  And south of that, on Rosa Parks Blvd., south of Grand River, a whole new area of apartments and condominiums is already up and running, and populated. 

There are plenty of other redeveloped areas of Detroit that I have not photographed.  Quite frankly, except for reference photos, there is not that much for me to photograph in these nicer areas, other than images to verify that Detroit is more diverse than you might think from looking at my photos. 

I have no intentions of starting a major photo project, trying to redeem myself from the image I have helped to create of a desolate Detroit.  But I do intend to focus on some of the more interesting positive things I have been exploring lately.

One is the Heidelberg Project, which I have been visiting since 2004.  I have largely avoided the area because it is quite a tourist trap.  I see school buses parked there, with  visitors taking in the sites.  But I do find some choice subject matter amongst the displays.  

A few days ago I ventured to the African Bead Museum, a spot I had visited many times in my ventures, but always when the shop was closed.  I had some out of town guests who were interested in visiting the shop as well.  I’d like to write about that visit separately.

I’ll write about those adventures soon.  I’d also like to address Flickr in an upcoming blog as well.